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    Frame HCX

    Standard Civil Flanged frame to be bolted or casted to a wall or floor.

    Frame HCOX

    Frame with removable end which allows the frame to be installed around existing cables

    and pipes.

    Frame HCLX

    Civil large frame for sealing services with an overall diameter in excess of 100mm.

    Frame HCLOX

    This civil frame allows to seal services with a medium radius,

    greater than 100mm when the cables and pipes are already installed.

    Sleeve CB

    Sleeve with flange for Hawke Round Transits.

    √  Designed to be bolted or casted
    √  Materials : Mild Steel, Stainless Steel and Aluminimum
    √  To be sealed with standard Sleeve CB


    Hawke Standard Tolerant Blocks

    The Hawke cable blocks have a tolarance that is achieved by having 5 points of contact with the cable that guarantees the sealing of the cable even if it is deformed.
    Thanks to this tolerance,

    each Hawke block covers a range of diameters between 3 and 4 mm. It is not necessary to mainpulate the block, as this tolerance is archieved by deforming it when the system is compressed.

    Hawke Blank Filler Blocks

    Filler blocks are available in the same maerials as the tolerant Blocks.

    They are used to fill spaces within the frame which are not required for services,

    thus allowing spare capacity for future requirements.

    Hawke Trefoil Insert Blocks

    These blocks allow three single phase power cables to be sealed inside of the same cable block. "Available in 90mm and 120mm size"


    Hawke Special Insert Blocks

    When Hawke Transit System Frames are penetrated by services that are shaped anything other than circular, eg. Busbars, special cables, earthtraps, etc.

    Hawke Wave Guides

    Hawke manufacture a range of blocks to suit the most popular waveguides sizes.

    Hawke wave guide insert blocks are used inserted in standard HF Blocks.

    Round Transits System

    Hawke Round Transit (HRTO)

    Certified for both Civil and Marine applications.
    The HRTO has been designed to be sealed using standard Hawke tolerant blocks.

    Hawke HRTO provide effectively sealing of cables and pipes through a circular aperture.
    Hawke HRTO is suppied as an OPEN frame, so that it can be installed after laying the cables or pipes. 

    Hawke Round Transit (HRST)

    Certified for Marine applications.
    Hawke HRST is a round sealing solution for a single/pipe passing through a wall or bulkhead/deck.
    Each size of HRST frame can seal a large range of diameters without any onsite modifications.
    To seal services from 4mm to 170mm of external diameter (standard version).

    Duct Seal

    Duct Seal

    Hawke Duct Seal is a sealing system for cables passing through ducts or pipes,

    which ensures cabling is protected from

    water, smoke, corrosive chemicals, rodents and debris.
    Tried and tested in the field, Duct Seal is suitable for a wide range of cable including fibre optics, electrical wire,
    twisted pair or coax..
    Its typical applications range from telecommunications to power distribution.

    Compression System

    Hawke Compresion System

    The Hawke compression system has 2 elements. The End Packer and

    the Compression Plate.
    Unique steel insert pins on both sides of the Hawke Transit Compression System ensure that the correct level of compression is applied to each installation,

    without the need for special knowledge or decision on the part of the installer.

    Accessories and Installation Tools

    Compression Tool

    This re-usable compression tool is designed to apply compression to the system before placing the endpacker within the frame.


    Hawke Lubricant is used to during an installation.

    {"google":["Questrial","Noto Sans","Roboto"],"custom":["Noto Sans KR"]}{"google":["Questrial","Noto Sans","Roboto"],"custom":["Noto Sans KR","Nanum Gothic","Nanum Barun Gothic"]}
    {"google":[],"custom":["Noto Sans KR"]}
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