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    Simple Cable Glands Plates with Double Membrane

    DES-PM 24 cable gland plates are an economical and reliable alternative to standard industrial cable glands.

    DES-PM S cable gland plates are an economical and reliable alternative to standard industrial cable glands.

    DES PMU cable bushing use metric hole openings and are an economical and reliable alternative to standard industrial cable glands.

    DES-PM M cable gland plates use metric hole openings and are an economical and reliable alternative to standard industrial cable glands.

    Rectangular Cable Gland Plates with Internal Frame and Double Membrane

    DES-PDM 24 cable gland plates are an economical and reliable alternative to standard industrial cable glands.

    DES PDM 24 CLEAN grommets are mainly used in the food production and pharmaceutical industries.

    DES-PDM S cable gland plates are an economical and reliable alternative to standard industrial cable glands.

    DES-PDM Q cable gland plates are an economical and reliable alternative to standard industrial cable glands.

    DES-PDM KN cable gland plates are an economical and reliable alternative to standard industrial cable glands.

    Round Cable Entry System Plates with Internal Frame and Double Membrane

    Cable grommets for OSF series, accommodates cable headers with diameters from 2 to 14 mm

    Cable gland holders for OSF series, accommodates two headed cables with diameters from 2 to 7 mm

    Cable grommet holders for OSF series, accommodates four headed cables with diameters from 2 to 6 mm

    Inserts for Grommets

    The IFP series inserts are designed to be housed in membrane cable glands plates and SPG M grommets.

    {"google":["Questrial","Noto Sans","Roboto"],"custom":["Noto Sans KR"]}{"google":["Questrial","Noto Sans","Roboto"],"custom":["Noto Sans KR","Nanum Gothic","Nanum Barun Gothic"]}
    {"google":[],"custom":["Noto Sans KR"]}
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