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    Boiler Control System (BCS)

       Home     >    Application     >     Boiler Control System (BCS)

    BCS (Boiler Control System)

    Boilers are the primary source of steam and hot water generation in industrial processing plants where steam demands vary very frequently according to the requirements.

    Hence, a well designed boiler must be capable of giving immediate response to these load demand variations.

    While doing so it must also maintain its efficiency and safety features. In order to achieve this, various techniques of boiler control are available.

    Boiler Control System (BCS)

    Boilers are the primary source of steam and hot water generation in industrial processing plants where steam demands vary very frequently according to the requirements.

    Hence, a well designed boiler must be capable of giving immediate response to these load demand variations.

    While doing so it must also maintain its efficiency and safety features. In order to achieve this, various techniques of boiler control are available.

    You can use these HIMA controllers as Boiler Control System

    HIMax is a high-performance, uninterrupted safety controller for challenging applications. The SIL 3 platform protects your safety-critical production processes and makes your plants more profitable. One of the potential applications for HIMax is as an emergency shut down system for protecting depolymerization reactors. Here, HIMax can be used for all applications up to SIL 4 (CENELEC).

    HIQuad X is a flexible, scalable safety controller for a wide range of applications. The SIL 3 certified safety controller protects both central and distributed applications equally – and with the highest level of fault tolerance. It can be used as an emergency shut down system to protect various industrial plants and systems, including tank farms and boilers.

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